Apr 25, 2010

Portable Rock - ポータブル・ロック

Maki Nomiya's (Pizzicato Five) first group.

アイドル (Idol)

(Click DivShare logo to download)

グリーン・ブックス (Green Books)

(Click DivShare logo to download)


(Click DivShare logo to download)

Idol - alt. version

(Click DivShare logo to download)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These divshare links aren't available in three different browsers; either they've expired or they're in some internet format I'm unfamiliar with. I would be so happy if you could make the time to share them again. You can reach me at xooxooxrain@gmail.com
Thanks for having at least these up as they are flat out the only links to these albums anywhere as far as google is concerned (there's still hope~!)
